My wild tracks
Every track has a story
Where ever an animal steps. Given the right conditions of soil, weather, and wildlife, exceptionally clear tracks are sometimes found.
Ones so perfect that it is easy to picture the animal’s foot filling the negative space of the track. Now, imagine plaster of Paris as the ‘camera’ that brings this picture to life.
The plaster fills the track, impressing itself upon every surface before hardening. The details of the foot-ground interaction that happened here – the track – are now preserved in the cast.
When pressed into clay, the plaster cast transfers this three dimensional image to the clay. The clay can then be stained, glazed, and fired to produce something of utility and beauty.
A TrackTile, in other words. A story for your wall. A key chain fob. A key tracker, so you never lose those again. A pendant. A candle holder. A coaster. A tiny piece of wilderness for your home.

The Story of the Kelp Bay Grizzly Track

More TrackTile Stories

Shape Shifter
North American River Otter front and hind prints on top of human footprint. Sandy River, Oregon.

Wild Turkey KeyTracker
It’s a fact! A Wild Turkey has never lost its keys. And neither will you ever again with a Wild Turkey KeyTracker on your wall.
Cross Ranch, North Dakota.

Bald Eagle
Track collected Southeast Alaska at the mouth of a salmon stream.

Coyote Coaster
Hand carved coyote track.

Wilson’s Snipe and North American Mink. Jackson Bottom Wetlands and Sandy River, OR. Can also be used as key fobs.

Badger Coaster
Hand carved front left foot of North American Badger.
Original track, Brothers, OR.

Common Raven
Isla Espiritu Santos.
Baja California Sur, Mexico

African Lion
Cast collected by Nicole Apelian.